The Enchanted Cigardens pictured on this website are examples of styles currently available. As the natural materials used will vary slightly, no two Cigardens are exactly alike. Each, though, is as faithful a reproduction of the one pictured as these materials will allow. To place your order, please e-mail your Cigarden choice to Include the Cigarden's name, style #, your shipping address, and daytime telephone number including area code, where you can be contacted. We will then confirm your order, at which time please send your check for the price of the Cigardens you chose, including shipping, (Illinois residents please include sales tax, as listed).

Sorry, gift wrap is not available, and we do not accept credit card orders. Your Enchanted Cigarden will be created when your commission is received, and shipped to you as soon as the glue dries! Be sure to send with your order a phone number or e-mail address where you can be contacted to be apprised of the expected shipping date. Outer decorative papers are selected by the artist and are not customized. Thank you for your order.

Shipping Note: If ordering several Cigardens, they can be shipped together when the last one is completed, for only one $8 shipping charge. Please request this option when ordering.